Annual Feast Shortens Lines While waiting in line to buy tickets for food and drink had become a part of the annual Portuguese Feast of the Blessed Sacrament, the Feast committee has taken steps to reduce the time anyone waits to purchase the one dollar tickets. The Feast became a “no cash” event more than ten years ago.
An additional eight ticket dispensing machines will bring the total number to 28 locations to purchase tickets for everything on sale at the Feast. Menu boards will be placed at the easy-to-find locations so feast goers will know how many tickets to buy. Booths selling raffle tickets and souvenirs will continue to accept cash.
The new machines arrived in the spring and have been calibrated and tested to insure proper operation. While special ID bracelets will still be mandatory for anyone wishing to purchase any alcoholic beverage, the new machines will assure faster and more convenient service.
The ticket machines will accept 1, 5, 10, and 20 dollar bills and dispense an equal number of tickets. Prices for food and drink at the Feast remain at similar levels as 2017 with only slight increases wherever necessary.
Admission continues to be free for the event, making it the only major festival in Southeastern Massachusetts that provides continuous live entertainment during the entire event at no charge. Information is available on our website or by phone at (508) 992-6911.